Counseling Qualification

  • Counseling on Business Plan

    Though counseling is a quite traditional approach to anything, we don’t just want to make it too professional and hence lose the friendly touch. Our approach to counseling shall be based on what exactly your business needs are and also the present conditions. We shall help refine and fine-tune your business plan (if that exists already) or will create a new based on your explanation, idea and financial situation.

  • Business Idea Evaluation

    Entrepreneurs are often confused whether the business idea they have is of considerable worth. Everyone including entrepreneurs need feedback and some valuable inputs are always appreciated. We will not just provide feedback for your business idea(s), but also evaluate it completely.

  • Market analysis of Products

    Though the ultimate factor for a product is its quality and user-experience, the market does play an important role in determining sales and customer response. Such an analysis can help startup and even growth entrepreneurs in making informed decisions.

  • Resolving Financial deadlocks

    “Finance can help you win or drag you to lose”

    As observed by us, most of the times small and medium companies are just fighting the financial deadlocks created internally and hence not able to focus on aspects like marketing and business growth. We will be more than happy to talk about your financial deadlocks and challenges and try to resolve them in a timely and efficient manner.

Evaluate your Business Idea

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