Our Ideas & Experiments

  • Funding from the Crowd

    Commonly known as "Crowd Funding", this has become quite popular on the Internet in the last couple of months. However the benefit has been limited to mostly entrepreneurs in the developed countries like the US and the UK, and entrepreneurs in India have been just trying to understand the complexities of the law with respect to this new funding methodology.

    Crowd Funding in the Indian context seems really complex today and the only option left with entrepreneurs is to wonder what all options are really open for them under this funding method. Most of the doors are open only for publicly-listed companies which leaves startup entrepreneurs with little or no options. One of our on-going experiments is to provide a dedicated and stable Crowd-funding platform to Startup as well as Growth entrepreneurs in a lawful manner. This looks difficult though we are trying our best to corner the problems to get through this challenge.

  • Dedicated 24/7 Helpline

    This looks easy though but setting up an expert panel and a dedicated helpline for Entrepreneurs throughout India is quite a challenging task. With the amount of growing entrepreneurial culture in India, questions and doubts are also on the rise. People in lucrative jobs are getting attracted and a lot of them even starting up.

    Our intention as a 'friend' of entrepreneurs has always been to help and 'simply' help. We do not intend to charge or take any leverage for such a helpline we want to provide. It is this vision that 'Entrepreneur Adda' was setup afterall.

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